Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012 much has happened these last few weeks.  There were a lot of these things I could've put in this entry: product reviews, purchases, vacation photos...but what I really wanted to do was simple.  And that was to simply wish everyone a merry Christmas.  Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, I wish you the peace and joy of the Christmas spirit. 

Here are 2 photos from my most recent trip.  Photo #1was taken at a manger scene in a chapel in Shepherds' Field, also in Bethlehem, which is where the shepherds were when they learned of the birth of our Lord.  Photo #2 was taken at the actual site of Jesus's birth, in what is now known as the Church of the Nativity, located in Bethlehem, Palestine (yes, that's my hand!). 

Merry Christmas, everyone!